Opportunities Available for
Supporting and empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs and business women is important to us. Interns have the opportunity to work closely with the D.E.W Team on various projects and events. The D.E.W {Girl} Power internship program is a comprehensive and hands on experience designed to introduce you to a fast-paced and fun working environment. We work directly with your university for credit, if you so choose. Please contact us for upcoming opportunities.
Grant Writer
Researches, prioritizes, proof read and applies for grants from a wide variety of governmental, private, and public foundations and institutions.
Unlimited number of volunteers needed
Unlimited number of volunteers needed
Assistance Fundraiser Coordinator
Develop and implement a fundraising plan. Develop new and imaginative fundraising activities; working with media outlets to promote, market and advertise forthcoming events; building and maintaining long-term fundraising relationships; organizing traditional fundraising activities such as flag days and house-to-house collections of donated goods and monies; increasing funds through researching and targeting charitable trusts; raising awareness of the DEW at both local and national level
Unlimited number of volunteers needed
Unlimited number of volunteers needed
Web Developer
Social Media ...Maintaining and upgrading the web-site. Coordinating mass emails to the membership and sponsors.
1-2 volunteers needed
1-2 volunteers needed
Assistance Event Planner
interns will assist with all aspects of the event preparation and will work on tasks including but not limited to: the creation and organization of event materials, bookings for travel and hotels, and assistance with volunteer recruitment and event credentials. Interns will perform basic administrative tasks as needed, as well as assist with projects for membership.
Assistance Marketing and Public Relations Manager
Responsible for planning, development and implementation of all of the organization's marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal; develops and implements support materials and services in the area of marketing, communications and public
relations; coordinates at the strategic and tactical levels with the other functions of the organization.
4 volunteers needed
relations; coordinates at the strategic and tactical levels with the other functions of the organization.
4 volunteers needed
Assistance Volunteer Coordinator
Develops and implements volunteer programs; develop a volunteer manual; recruits volunteers for support work and recommends assignments that will make the best use of individual talents; serves on task forces and committees related to volunteerism; maintains public contacts in the community and public/private sectors to assist with fund raising strategies; maintains volunteer time records and applications; plans, organizes, and implements volunteer recognition events and activities;
4 Volunteers needed
4 Volunteers needed