Our Mission

The mission of D.E.W Girl Power is to enhance the development of young girls and provide a research based information and network with mentors to expose them to the benefits and the importance of positive self-image, responsible personal conduct, respect for self and others, educational achievement and cultural enrichment.
D.E.W Girl Power takes the needs and desires of every girl seriously so that we can provide programs and activities that create healthy, smart, strong and active girls. Girl Power's programs are developed to empower young girls to get more out of life.
D.E.W Girl Power takes the needs and desires of every girl seriously so that we can provide programs and activities that create healthy, smart, strong and active girls. Girl Power's programs are developed to empower young girls to get more out of life.
Our Vision
- Increase GPA
- Explore Career and Educational Opportunities
- Perform Community Service
- Show Improved Self-Esteem by Decreasing the Number of Self-Destructive Behaviors such as Premarital Sex and Substance Use and/or abuse
- Show an Increase in School and Community Leadership Roles
- Increase Political Literacy and Understanding
Make An Impact
Donations make-up a large percentage of our funds and our organization is continually seeking support. We have four ways for you to make a greatly appreciated tax deductible contribution.